Dimension X
White Paper
May 13th, 2022
Mike Gordon - CEO
Dimension X is a Free-to-Play, Play-to-Earn strategic role playing game on the Flow blockchain set in the Dimension X comic book universe, where a pan-dimensional explosion created super-powered humans, aliens and monsters with radical and terrifying superpowers!
Use NFT heroes to fight villains and monsters, level up, and support your faction in an ever-changing world! Build your super-teams and compete with other players! Compete for P2E tokens that can be used to mint new heroes!
The game is still under development and everything contained here is subject to change as we continue to make progress.
Web3 and the Team
Web3 is a wild and bumpy ride! And we couldn’t be more thrilled! As veteran game developers from web2, mobile, console, and pc, we are super excited at the chance to create games for a new ecosystem. More than any other space, projects on the blockchain live and die by their community. And that’s before we talk about Play-to-Earn and NFT utility!
Dimension X was designed from the ground up to be an accessible Web3 game that is developed alongside a growing community. We’ve set the stage with crazy stories, characters, and a game with simple interactions but complicated strategies and LOTS of room to grow. We want you to join us on Discord for community storytelling contests and support a faction in-game so that YOU determine what happens next.
Game Structure & Components
Free To Play / Play to Earn
Dimension X will be Free To Play! While 10,000 Generation 0 Heroes will be dropped on day 1, players without an NFT can use a small number of starting Sidekicks (account-bound heroes) to begin their journey in DMX and start earning P2E rewards in the form of the $DMX token. Anyone can mint new generative heroes, enter into community contests with a chance to win unique heroes and unlock Sidekicks through factional rewards.
The NFT’s
What are they? Super powered heroes enhanced by Element X! Some have control over fire or psychic energy blades, while others have sprouted extra bug limbs! The first drop of Dimension X heroes will consist of 10,000 generated Generation 0 heroes. These heroes start at level 1 and come with 3 powers at random starting levels. The cost for a Generation 0 NFT will be FREE!
Heroes are used to play the game — Staking NFT heroes to the game allows them to go on Quests. Quests are cooperative and competitive battles against enemies. Each Quest takes place on a 3x3 grid where heroes are placed to form a team. Each grid contains buffs and debuffs that use hero powers to calculate damage over time.
Heroes can also be burned to significantly improve other NFT heroes. More details on the benefits of burning soon!
Each hero will have 3 random Powers, at random ranks. Powers include: Fire, Ice, Blade, Bug, Magic, Radiation, and Tech. Powers can:
Increase the damage a hero does by a % per level. Every 5 levels increases the power’s Rank, which improves the damage bonus per level.
Be used in battle to determine what buffs and debuffs are activated when placing the hero on the battle grid.
Change the appearance of the NFT per power rank.
Be leveled up by playing the game and winning rewards!
Heroes have a generated visual style composed of slots for: face, mask, hair, upper body, and lower body. Each hero has a unique combination of these elements. Some cosmetics are more rare than others!
NFT Progression
Heroes gain XP by dealing damage to enemies while on Quests. Earning enough XP will level up heroes (to a cap). Each level increases a hero’s base damage.
XP gained based on that individual hero’s damage contribution. This means that carefully placing your heroes in order to maximize total team damage is important, but you must also consider placing heroes in highly buffed spaces to accelerate their XP gain.
Hero NFTs must be staked to participate in quests. Once staked, heroes are free to move from quest to quest as desired. On quest completion, heroes are removed from that quests area, but remain staked.
Heroes have 2 ways to become more powerful:
Leveling up by earning XP, which increases base damage
Leveling up powers by spending matching Power Tokens (at an increasing cost per level). Every 5th level ranks up the power, increasing the damage bonus per level significantly and visually altering the power.
Hero Types
There are 3 types of heroes in Dimension X:
Generation 0 — Heroes from the initial 10,000 drop on the release of the game. These heroes come with 3 powers.
Minted Heroes — Heroes that can be minted by spending $DMX. These heroes come with 2 powers.
Sidekicks — Sidekicks are Non-NFT heroes that can be earned in-game. They come with 1 power.
Minted Heroes
New NFT heroes can be minted with the $DMX token. When minting a new Hero NFT they will follow the same rules as Generation 0 heroes, except they have 2 powers. All newly minted heroes start at level 1.
Unique NFT Heroes
There are opportunities to earn non-generative heroes in Dimension X. These heroes can be from the comics, major event rewards, the DMX comic card drop, character creation challenges, or any other social event we run!
These characters do not have generative traits and do not change visually when ranking up powers, but function identically to other NFT heroes while on quests. In some cases, there will only be a single copy of this bespoke character IN EXISTENCE.
Like Generation 0 NFTs, these heroes have 3 powers.
Sidekicks are account-bound (non-NFT) characters with power sets that can be placed like the NFT heroes (and typically less powerful). All players start with a small number of Sidekicks and can unlock more by leveling up and completing quests for the various factions.
Similar to heroes, sidekicks earn XP and can level up their powers with Power Tokens. Sidekicks have access to less total Powers than NFT heroes do. Unlocking additional sidekicks is critical for participating in multiple quests at the same time.
NFT Heroes can be burnt to significantly improve other NFT heroes. Details on this coming soon!
DMX is both F2P and P2E! We will be creating a $DMX token for the game which provides P2E rewards for skill-based gameplay and the ability to spend $DMX to mint new heroes
At launch, $DMX will be used exclusively to mint new heroes
We will never sell $DMX
The only way to acquire $DMX is through skillfully playing the game and placing on Quest leaderboards
$DMX is given out according to placement on the leaderboard. Small amounts of $DMX will reach low onto the leaderboard, allowing dedicated F2P players to see a path to and work towards minting new NFT Heroes
Top rewards are fixed per quest, meaning that winning by one damage or a million damage does not increase the first place rewards
There are 3 different kinds of heroes in DMX. Each hero comes with a number of Powers; access to more powers gives more optionality, growth and utility to a hero.
Gen 0 Heroes (3 Powers) — 10,000 hero initial drop on game release. Gen 0 heroes will never be minted again
Generative Heroes minted with $DMX (2 Powers) — Players can mint new Generative heroes by spending $DMX. These heroes have 1 less Power than Gen 0 Heroes
Sidekicks (1 Power) — Account-bound, non-NFT heroes. All players start with a small number of sidekicks and can earn more in game for participation, factional rewards, and leaderboard placements. Skillful play lets you earn $DMX
$DMX Supply
8 average new NFT heroes per day will be available, broken into $DMX
1,000 $DMX to mint a new Generative Hero
8,300 $DMX rewarded per day
5,000,000,000 $DMX total supply, giving us years of operational runway and room for significant growth on DMX and spin off titles
Heroes can also be burned to extract their power and significantly improve other heroes. This is critical to being competitive at high levels. More details to follow
The Game
Cool, so what do you do?
Create teams of superheroes to take on enemies by placing them on procedural battle grids, activating bonuses based on their powers! Your goal is to use your heroes to maximize damage and activate buffs that pass damage between the tiles — we call this “buff circuitry”. Once placed, heroes fight automatically until the Quest is complete, even while you are away. Available heroes can be placed on any number of Quests at the same time, so you will need to optimize positioning across multiple quests to maximize rewards.
As you complete quests you will earn resources that you can use to increase your heroes’ powers, damage, and even earn new NFT heroes to take on stronger foes!
You won’t be alone though… all players are fighting against the same enemies at the same time! Players are competing for top positions on damage leaderboards for huge rewards! In addition, player actions in-game will drive what Quests appear in the game, as well as the narrative for the DMX universe!
Core Loop
Stake NFT Heroes to the game
Select Quests
Place your heroes on the Battle Grid to form a team and maximize damage
Earn XP and resources to level up, Earn Faction XP unlock sidekicks and rank up superpowers
Compete and place on leaderboards to earn new NFT heroes
Once you have staked your heroes you can place them on Quests. Here they will battle an enemy until the Quest is completed, at which point the heroes are unequipped. Multiple quests will be running at any given time. There are currently 3 types of quests planned for launch.
Normal Quests
The standard quest is a fight against a single monster with a large health bar. All participants in the quest are trying to kill the same monster. Your hero team’s damage dealt to the monster will place you on a leaderboard for that quest. Once the monster dies the quest is complete and your heroes will be available to select a new quest. Rewards will be distributed based on your leaderboard placement at the end of the quest.
Timed Quests
Timed quests function the same way as Normal quests but with 2 changes. First is the inclusion of a timer for how long the quest is available. The quest will end if not defeated within the time limit. The second is the addition of rewards after the enemy has taken X% damage.
Event Quests
Event quests are an opposing faction group challenge. During an event quest you must choose which enemy to fight in an attempt to kill yours before the enemy team can kill theirs. The event is completed when the first creature is killed. Event quests also have threshold based reward distribution. Also note that rewards will be different for each group, so choose wisely…
The Battle Grid
All quest types use the battle grid system. A new grid is generated for each Quest based on the difficulty, creating a new set of power bonuses, connections, and locks. All players see a copy of the grid to place their heroes on. Strategically placing heroes within the grid will have a significant effect on your damage output. Each grid is a 3x3 square of tiles and may contain multiple power modifiers and connectors.
Power Bonuses
Placing a hero into a tile with matching power bonuses that your hero shares will increase its dps. Multiple matching powers will all be applied. Power bonuses calculated with the placed heroes power rank of the matching power.
Tiles with a connector will share their damage to the connected tile. Connectors can be gated by power type.
Power Penalties
Tiles with a power penalty will reduce the DPS of a hero with the matching power.
Power Locked
Tiles with a power lock can only be activated by a hero with the matching power.
Power Blocks
Tiles with power blocks prevent a hero with that power from being placed in that tile.
Each hero deals damage to an enemy based on their DPS, which incorporates all Power and Connection bonuses.
Hero base DPS increases with Hero Level. Heroes will need more XP each time they level up, to the current cap.
Power Levels and Ranks
Powers grant bonus DPS based on the Power Level and Rank. Powers can be leveled up by spending power tokens matching that power type. Every 5th level, the power increases in Rank. Each Rank increases the damage bonus per level and grants a new power cosmetic on generative NFT heroes.
Leaderboards and Rewards
Each Quest has a leaderboard and 2 ways to give out rewards: Ranking and Brackets.
Quest rewards based on total damage dealt in relation to all participants.
Example: Dealing damage in the top 50% of players. Bracket rewards include Power Tokens and XP Boosts.
Quest rewards are based on your actual position on the leaderboard
Example: Position 1, 2, and 3
Participating in quests by doing damage and placing well on the leaderboards will earn you various rewards. Again these represent a work in progress and are subject to change.
Experience Points
Experience points are applied directly to the hero NFT and earned by dealing damage on Quests. After enough XP is earned the hero will level up. Each level up applies a direct boost to the hero’s damage output.
$DMX is the Dimension X P2E token. $DMX is used to create new NFT heroes and is earned by ranking on Quest Leaderboards.
Power Tokens
Power Tokens are in-game currencies. There are power tokens for each of the hero power types. Power tokens are used to increase the level of a hero’s power and are typically earned as bracket rewards on Quests. Power tokens can also be earned as Faction rank up rewards.
Unique Hero NFTs
Full NFT heroes will be rarely available as rewards from special quests.
Account-bound (Non-NFT) heroes will be rarely available as rewards from special quests as well as faction rank up rewards.
Faction Reputation
Similar to Experience Points, Faction Reputation is earned by participating in Quests belonging to various factions.
Alpha Gameplay of questing system and powers is in progress
Beta gameplay Q2 2022
Initial on chain launch is scheduled for Early Q3 2022
Post launch will continue with Event Quests
There are 4 factions in the game at launch:
Ex Presidents
League of Tyrants
Might Mounties
Each Quest is aligned with a faction. Participation in these Quests earns Faction Reputation for the player and bonus Faction Rep can be won for placement on Quest leaderboards.
Faction Rewards
Once enough Faction Rep is earned, the player’s faction level will increase and they will receive a reward. Rewards include:
Power Tokens
Temporary XP buffs
Faction Events
Each week, players can summon Faction Bosses by completing faction objectives, such as earning enough faction XP, completing a number of missions, or dealing enough overall damage. Bosses are limited time events with rare rewards. Each subsequent boss summoned that week per faction becomes more difficult, but has even better rewards.
New Factions will cycle into the game, bringing with them unique enemies, heroes and rewards. When a previous faction leaves the game, players will no longer be able to earn their rewards and lose any temporary XP bonuses.
In Dimension X, the game and story take place in both the game and in the pages of the comics. Our goal is to create an interactive narrative where we are creating the world with the players.
To that end, player actions in the world AND community will help drive the narrative of Dimension X! Faction dominance, successes and failures in event quests, and other metrics will be used to help dictate the next plot points in the comic universe! Outside of the game client, players can take part in community challenges and discussion in Discord and twitter in choose-your-own-adventures and character creation challenges.
Community Challenges
Submit designs based on a prompt at a chance to get a unique NFT hero!
Collaborative Storytelling
We start the comic and the community steers its direction! During an Adventure, community members on Discord can vote for what action happens next. A random voter from the winning option will win a prize, while the community drives the narrative forward! Actions here can turn into Event Quests in-game!