Dimension X Comics
Dimension X Comics are coming June 6!
June 5th, 2023
Mike Gordon - CEO
Dimension X Comics are coming TOMORROW!
You can buy a Dimension X Comic NFT on Gaia for $25 on June 6! In addition to building out the lore of the Dimension X Universe, they also have in game Utility. You can buy NFTs on the Gaia marketplace!
Combine 1 Comic with an NFT Hero (sorry no sidekicks) and transform that hero into a kick ass Dinosaur Man! You ALSO get to boost the power levels of that hero up by 1 level. I.e. if you start at level 20 for all of your powers, you will level up each of those powers to level 21!
Combine 4 Comics with an NFT hero and transform that hero into a vicious Shark Man! You ALSO get to boost the power levels of that hero up by 5 levels! I.e. if you start at level 20 for all your powers, you will level up each of those powers to level 25!
Why Comics?
First, comics have always been integral to the world building of Dimension X. We’ve made comics all along the way to tell the history of our team getting into Web3 Games and to tell the backstory of our world! Also, I fundamentally believe that comics are one of the most succinct storytelling vehicles that exist. You can combine an enormous amount of tone, story, art and feeling in a handful of pages and panels. If you can’t tell by now, we love comic books!
Second, comics give us a vehicle for utility in Dimension X. Even though comics on their own would be cool, we wanted to make a reason for players who may not care about lore/comics to check them out anyway. Allowing players to transform into unique skins inspired by the comic setting, boost up the powers of their heroes AND tying the comics into our Monthly Seasonal Event felt like a no brainer!
We had a blast making these and hope that you love them as much as we do! Very excited for our drop tomorrow on Gaia! Will send you out with a bunch of fun caveats and notes on what comics do and do not do:
*Note that hero skin transformation is 100% optional and players cannot earn more than 5 levels from comics. Heroes will not be able to surpass the current power level cap. Transformations will not apply to sidekick characters, only to NFT heroes. All skins are generative and unique! The drop and all secondary sales will be handled via Gaia Marketplace. This will be an open edition drop that lasts for 2 weeks and closes on June 20, 2023!